Monday, February 1, 2010


alright, on a personal note...
as i've been on this journey to figure out my purpose in life, i have been forced to ask myself those difficult questions such as..."What makes ME happy?" or "What inspires ME?"  i, for one, rarely ask myself those questions but decided to make a resolution to ask them of myself more often.  crazy??  probably.  i know i'm a month into this new year but better late than never!  so, here's what i know makes me happy...the laughter of my kiddos, seeing the look on my son's face when he gets a new video game and then listening to the commentary as he's playing that new game, my daughter rock out to whatever song is playing in the car, the amazing feeling i get when i capture that perfect moment in love it!! now, on to inspiration..i find myself inspired by a lot of different things.  and, i've learned, whatever inspires me today may not always give me the same inspiration tomorrow.  i find myself being inspired by the simplest and silliest of things too.  my friend who so boldly makes certain that my feet are firmly planted on the ground, my husband who has a dream and chases it so ambitiously, the perseverence of a photog friend to keep at it and never give name a few.  i have had plenty ups and downs in my life and i figure that there has to be some sort of lesson in it all.  i believe in signs and i know that if i give my all in the areas that matter most in my life...everything falls into place.  i consider myself lucky.  i have great friends, a great family, happiness and inspiration.  so, on the flip side...if anyone reads this...what makes you happy??  what inspires you?

1 comment:

  1. purpose, happiness and inspiration…

    Those three words in your blog instantly make me think of kids playing. Kids make silly words, sing spontaneous songs, dance wildly, draw freely, laugh and scream and cry easily. They have this incredible way of just “being” without regard to what other people think. Kids have purpose without question and a unique freedom. Their purpose is to experience and enjoy life. Their inspiration is pure curiosity. Their happiness in contagious. At some point, just “being” fades and we become adults, and we question purpose and what ours is. It’s quite fascinating and healthy to ask what makes you happy, what inspires you and what is your purpose. A purpose gives context of meaning that shapes every moment of your life...especially when the circumstances of life try to throw you off course.

    Happy: I’m happy when I’m learning new things and helping other people reach their potential. We all are of infinite value and worth, and life can sometimes make you question it. I count it a privilege when I can encourage someone to believe in themselves and help them achieve their passions. (healthy passions that is.) Also making me happy would be food and travel.

    Inspiration: I’m inspired by people who overcome personal obstacles and still have a heart and a focus on helping and encouraging other people. I’m inspired by politeness. I’m inspired by sacrifice. I’m inspired by relationships, friendships, chemistry between people and psychology. Nature, right down to the icky spiders that freak me out, all things nature inspire me. Nature is the essence of just “being”.

    Purpose: I’m not sure I’ll ever know that on this side of life.

    Great blog. Great photos. Stay focused. (tee hee, get it? Stay "focused". Photo -> focus…)You’re gonna go somewhere with this photography thing. Have fun with it.
