Friday, June 4, 2010

About me...

so, i get nervous talking about myself and getting too personal...i'm trying to overcome that so thats what this post is about...ME.

i'm not a big fan of getting my picture taken which is why you'll almost always see me behind the camera.  i'm working on that.  about a month ago i had one of my most favorite photographers ( ever take some pics of me and my kids.  oh my holy WOW!!!!  she did such an amazing job and was so proud of these pics that i can't wait to cover my home with these!  and i realized that i don't do that bad in front of a camera but i still prefer to be behind one!

now, my life has been nothing but interesting lately. i'm looking to purchase/rent a home - never done that before.  i'm about to embark on a new chapter in my life, its both scary and exciting all at the same time. i'm a single mom with two amazing kids.  my son is 9 and is the most amazing young man ever.  he's into video games and anything outdoors. he brings me breakfast in bed...soooo sweet!!  my daughter is 2 going on 20.  she is my little comedian and gives me the best belly laughs EVER!  she's in looooooove with justin beiber....omg...seriously!!!  i'm proud to say that i know alllllll the words to every justin beiber song that exists...believe it!!! dakota, my son, does too, but he would never admit it!! ha ha!

so, i'm one busy lady!  but i'm a lucky lady!!  i have a wonderful family and a fantabulous group of friends who i love very deeply.  of course now i'm gonna share some of the pics from our shoot with kelley.  i hope you enjoy them as much as me!



  1. I love there pictures a ridiculous amount. They are perfect and I'm so glad you have them. You are such a strong amazing person with so many more wonderful things ahead. I'm so glad I met you. I can't wait to see you soon! Thanks for sharing your pics and about you.

  2. Hello Laura Kelley. I'm Laura kelley also and i'm a photographer. Www.laurakelleyphotography,com. I love these pics. Gorgeous!!

  3. I love personal posts, and you already know that I LOVE these pictures!

  4. Great post, love hearing personal stuff about you! I love these photos!
