Tuesday, March 30, 2010

{a first}

i am sooooo excited about my next few posts.  on friday i shadowed my first wedding with a photographer i whole-heartedly admire...julie branyan from julie branyan photography!!!!  she was ever-so gracious in letting me follow her on a wedding shoot.  i will admit, i was insanely nervous and crazy excited at the same time.  my photography journey has been sort of a roller coaster ride....full of ups and downs.  julie has been a life saver for me.  i learned so much in one day it was ridiculous!!!  i am currently an editing fool and promise to post some pics soon!!!  a million and one thanks go out to julie and her photog hubby josh!!!  check out her work...(juliebranyan.com) i'm addicted!! :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

frustration | ugh!

alrighty, so this blog is more of a chance to vent for a sec...
i love challenge and believe me my life is full of them.  it would be beyond boring without them...however, photography has a way of making me wanna pull my hair out, but at the same time i love it too. my recent task was to shoot my husbands new band (marshall brian band - check 'em out, i dig 'em) "live".  now, i know i'm new at this but holy crap....so many obstacles.  so, i'm by no means gonna give up, anyone got any pointers????  i'm still very much intimidated by my camera which is a work in progress for me.  i feel like i've learned a lot over the last year and i know i have soooo much more to learn, which is exciting but also a bit overwhelming.  i'm hangin' in there. :)

sooo, enough whining....my weekend wasn't a total bust.  i had this awesome shoot planned with my sister carin and my nephew brayden but old man winter decided to give us one more wack with this weather.  instead we stayed close to home, the driveway actually, and still managed to get a few shots.  my sister is beyond gorgeous and is one of my most favorite people ever.  love her!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


say hello to Miss Annabella.  let me say, this little lady is quite fond of her sleep!!  she was much more interested in snoozing than hangin' out with me and my camera....that is until we got her in her birthday suit!!  her mom and daddy just recently got engaged and are planning for a fall wedding!!!  i'm honored to say that i get to shoot their wedding as well, soooooo excited!!!  congrats guys, i can't wait!!  and Miss Annabella, it was lovely to meet you! :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more baby Joss

as promised, more of this cool lil' dude...Joss.  i must admit that i am pretty proud of this shoot!!  if ya have a minute, let me know what ya think.  i love feedback!! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

{baby, baby..}

i had the pleasure of shooting my first newborn last week...
meet joss david, born to some super awesome friends of ours and let me say, he is the sweeeeetest thing EVER!!!  i have lots more photos to share but in the mean time i'm gonna tease ya with just one!!  soooo in love with this little guy ;)  Congrats again to Wade and Hallie!